
Posts Tagged ‘advertising gimmick’

I have spent a few minutes here and there exploring the possibilities of having a ‘Rebirth Publishing Tent’ at the Christian music festival Creationfest this summer. Last year we tried Soulfest. I met plenty of wonderful people there. One particular business deserved mention before now.

Bolivia’s Best Coffee. ‘Free-trade’ products are coming back into popularity, but for Bolivia’s Best ‘free-trade’ is a style of living, not an advertising gimmick or a passing fad. They not only purchase their coffee beans from “a co-op of over 1500 family farmers” (according to their website), which helps the Bolivian people; but they also donate 100% of their profits to orphanages in Bolivia. The impact they have in the country for Christ; the passion they have for their work; the beauty of such a simple, but profound concept is worth considering.

As I examined the company for one of my businesses classes, I became convinced that you–my wonderful readers–needed to know about their work. Buy their coffee; volunteer. Coffee is a part of our lives for many of us. Who knew that this near-addiction could actually do good for the kingdom of God?

Check out the work of Bolivia’s Best Coffee at: http://boliviasbestcoffee.com/

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