
Posts Tagged ‘plot-flaw’

This cold just won’t let up. I struggle to find enough brainpower to make this post ring with clarity. You will just have to decide for me if it does.

My new cover has such a different feel! What excitement as I watch it unfold. Like all creative efforts its birthing is a process, but one my designer and I enjoy. If only I could find the will-power to dive into the last few pages of the novel itself…

I will admit that while my hesitation rests largely with a plot-flaw I have to fix, equally at play is the daunting realization of how much work is left and and my unwillingness to let the novel out. I have held it close for so long, allowing only glimpses into the characters I have poured my soul into. But the time is rapidly approaching when I will need to share Mark of Orion with the world. I better get comfortable with that and hope that the book rings with the clarity and depth I tried to develop.

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